Sportfasting is an increasingly popular method that combines fasting and exercise with the goal of achieving both weight loss and performance improvement. In this article, we discuss what sportfasting entails, the scientifically backed pros and cons, tips for men and women, and when it might be best to avoid fasting.

What is sportfasting?

Sportfasting is a program that typically lasts ten days, combining periods of fasting with intensive exercise. The goal is to 'reset' your body and improve metabolic flexibility. Metabolic flexibility is your body's ability to efficiently switch between burning carbohydrates and fats for energy. The idea is that your body becomes more sensitive to fat burning, helping you lose weight more effectively. Studies show that fasting can aid in weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity. Research on intermittent fasting, a method similar to sportfasting, has demonstrated that it can lead to fat loss, improved blood sugar control, and even enhanced brain function.

A fasting period refers to a continuous interval during which you do not eat. This can range from 12 hours (such as overnight fasting) to several days. In the context of sportfasting, fasting periods typically range from 16 to 24 hours.

Benefits of sportfasting

Despite its benefits, sportfasting also has risks. Research suggests that prolonged periods of low-calorie intake can lead to muscle loss and a weakened immune system. Additionally, fasting can cause hormonal fluctuations that may particularly affect women.

Drawbacks of sportfasting

Differences between men and women in fasting

Research shows that men and women respond differently to fasting. Women, for instance, may experience hormonal imbalances more quickly, leading to irregular menstrual cycles or other health issues. Men, on the other hand, may benefit more from the fat-burning effects of fasting without the same hormonal complications. Key differences include:

Tips for men and women when fasting

Thinking of trying sportfasting yourself? Here are some tips to ensure you do it in a healthy and responsible way. Always seek advice and guidance from an expert.

When to avoid fasting?

What can you drink during fasting?

If you choose to fast, it’s crucial to stay well-hydrated. Opt for drinks without carbohydrates (sugars) to ensure you don’t break the fast. The best options are water, coffee, or tea (without milk and sugar). Coffee contains caffeine, which can stimulate fat burning. You can also opt for bulletproof coffee: this is coffee with a teaspoon of butter or MCT oil. The fats in bulletproof coffee slow the effect of caffeine, stabilizing your energy level, and provide a longer feeling of fullness, which can be particularly useful during fasting.


Sportfasting can be an effective method for losing weight, improving metabolic flexibility, and enhancing sports performance. However, it is not suitable for everyone, and it's important to consider the potential drawbacks and risks. Make sure you are well-informed and seek medical advice if necessary before starting a sportfasting program.


Effects of intermittent fasting on health, aging, and disease

Intermittent fasting interventions for treatment of overweight and obesity in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Caloric restriction and muscle loss

Fasting and immune system function

Fasting and hormonal changes in women

The impact of fasting on female hormonal balance

Hunger and hormonal fluctuations in women during fasting

Differences in fat burning between men and women during fasting

Muscle preservation during fasting in men and women