Nuts are a convenient and healthy on-the-go snack. In this article, we share the health benefits and guide you through choosing the best nuts.
Nutritional value of nuts
Nuts are exceptional foods due to their content of fiber, vitamins, high-quality proteins, and healthy fats. These beneficial fats contribute to healthier cell membranes, positively impacting metabolism and brain function. Moreover, they are abundant in antioxidants. Did you know that consuming nuts can reduce inflammation? Research also associates nut consumption with a lower risk of high blood pressure and reduced risk of type II diabetes.
Research on nut consumption
A study conducted in 2001 among older adults aged 55 to 80 compared a group following a low-fat diet with a group consuming 1 portion of nuts daily. Among those who ate nuts, improved insulin health, enhanced cardiovascular health, and reduced oxidative stress were observed.

Healthiest nuts
Naturally, walnuts contain the highest amount of high-quality antioxidants, along with a substantial dose of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid). Scientifically, walnuts stand out as the healthiest nuts available. Additionally, several other nuts contribute to your health due to their considerable variety of antioxidants: Brazil nuts, pecans, pistachios, almonds, macadamias, hazelnuts, and even pine nuts. Because they offer distinct nutritional profiles, consuming a mix of these nuts is a great idea!
Optimal consumption and storage
To reap the benefits of these health advantages, it's essential to consume nuts in their most natural form. Raw nuts contain more antioxidants compared to roasted ones. Some non-fresh nuts undergo processing or bleaching, which further reduces antioxidant content. Over time, the nutritional value also diminishes. Therefore, consuming nuts while they're fresh is preferable, and avoiding extended storage is recommended.

Moderation of consumption and caloric awareness
Despite their delectable and nutritious nature, it's advisable not to overindulge in nuts. Keeping your daily consumption to 1 portion (100 grams, approximately 1 handful) allows you to enjoy their benefits. Due to their high-fat content, nuts contain relatively more calories. While nuts can be a healthy and satiating addition to your diet when trying to lose weight, excessive consumption can easily surpass your daily caloric intake, leading to weight gain. Furthermore, nuts contain nutrients that are beneficial but should not be consumed excessively at once—selenium in Brazil nuts is an example. As with all things, moderation is key :-)