In this article, we focus on a relaxing way of moving that can offer health benefits: Yin Yoga. Whether you have been practicing Yoga for years or are completely new to it, this gentle form of Yoga can be enjoyed by everyone!

Types of Yoga: active and passive Yoga

You may already know that there are various forms of Yoga. We can distinguish between active forms of Yoga that focus on movement and muscle strengthening (Yang forms, such as Ashtanga or Vinyasa) and the slow, passive form that targets deep connective tissues in the body: Yin.

When you have a hectic life or engage in intense sports, the gentle practice of Yin Yoga can be a great complement. This style is suitable for beginners, individuals with health issues, as well as those experiencing high levels of tension and stress.

What is Yin Yoga?

A Yin Yoga class usually consists of a series of passive postures on the floor (yoga mat) that are held for 3-5 minutes. Yin Yoga focuses on deep connective tissues in the body, including ligaments, bones, joints, and deep fascia networks.

The postures primarily work on the lower part of the body, such as the pelvis, hips, thighs, and lower back – areas rich in connective tissue. These postures are used to release tension, develop mindfulness, and increase body awareness by focusing on your breath. Yin Yoga is meditative in nature, and props like cushions, blocks, and blankets are often used to make the postures comfortable.

wat is yin yoga

Benefits of Yin Yoga

Various studies since the 1970s have shown that regular practice of mind-body activities (including meditation, mindfulness, and yoga) offers several health benefits.

It has a positive effect on reducing stress and stress-related illnesses. Yin Yoga can lower blood pressure, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, and alleviate diabetes-related issues. It promotes the process of wound healing, enhances cognitive abilities, and can even lead to the growth of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for making well-considered decisions. :-)

Moreover, Yoga increases blood circulation, improves flexibility, and enhances joint mobility.

Emotional benefits of Yin Yoga

By remaining still in a posture and focusing on your breath or relaxing your muscles, you calm the mind. This creates space for anything that wants to surface. It could be an emotion or feeling that you suppress due to the busyness of daily life. You may experience a sense of boredom, happiness, fear, sadness, or anything else relevant to you.

Above all, you learn to observe the physical sensations of emotions without getting entangled in them. Without explaining or judging your feelings, you allow your emotions to find a way out of your body by simply observing them. This helps your mind to cleanse itself of these often unconscious emotions and gives your system the opportunity to resolve blockages in your body and find peace!

Regular practice of Yin Yoga can calm you down and bring both your body and mind into balance. It can help when you're tired and need more energy or when you're overstimulated and have excessive energy but desire relaxation.

Yin yoga oefeningen houdingen poses

Yin Yoga exercises: join a class or practice on your own

A few tips when attending a class or practicing on your own: always make sure not to push yourself beyond your limits. Move slowly and perform the postures gently without forcing yourself. It's not about how far you can go, but about finding relaxation: if you feel pain, you've gone too far. Also, remember that it's important to be able to breathe comfortably (and deeply) without any effort.

You can try out various options – both online and in various yoga schools, there are numerous possibilities available for you to explore what suits you best and what benefits it can bring to your health.
