Personal training

How long does a workout take?

Every workout takes one hour. This gives you enough time to get your body to work and to reach your goals.

How frequently should I exercise at Physicum?

We advise to work out two to three times a week at Physicum. The best frequency for you to work out depends on a couple of factors. This includes your experience with exercising, possible injuries, your stress level, your goals, your schedule and, not the least important, your budget. Together we will look at the frequency that suits you best, so that you can reach your goals as quickly as possible.

Will I always have the same personal trainer?

At physicum we will assign you a head coach. Your head coach will be your point of contact for all your questions and is responsible for your results. We preferably work with set times when you exercise. This way we can guarantee you will always have the same trainer(s). This, of course, depends on your availability as well.

What is the first step?

You will start with an introductory meeting. You will receive an extensive questionnaire that will help us define your goals and see where to put our focus on in order to have you make progress in the most efficient way. During the introduction we will go through your answers together, and you can meet the trainers and see Physicum's studio. We will advise you which of our programmes we think would be best for you. Naturally, this introduction is non-binding. It is up to you to decide whether you want to try it out with us or not.

What does a Personal Training Programme look like?

After the introductory meeting we always start with a kick off. You will receive our manual containing all the information that you will need to quickly make yourself feel fit and energetic. Together with your head coach, you will set up a plan for the first period during the kick off. He or she will then set up a training programme adjusted to your body. The focus, at first, will be on teaching you the right techniques. Every following month, there will be a moment to measure and evaluate in order to see your results. These results form the basis of the schedule of the next month - you will be making progress every month.

If you wish, you can also make use of the services of our online lifestyle specialist. She will coach and motivate you weekly with the purpose of adjusting your lifestyle step by step.

Will you do Personal Training in the Vondelpark?

If you wish, the workouts will be done in the Vondelpark. We do have a spacious garden which enables us to go outside whenever we like to, and whenever the weather permits it. In our garden you are fully shielded from passers-by.

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