For some, showing gratitude may seem like a given, but in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we may sometimes forget to take a moment to appreciate the beautiful things in life that we are grateful for. There has been significant research on the influence of gratitude on our health, and there are interesting findings to share!

What does gratitude bring?

Both physically and mentally, expressing gratitude has been shown to have many positive effects. For example, did you know that it can help improve sleep, reduce stress, and even decrease anxiety?

There are also studies indicating that physical complaints such as headaches, stomach aches, or muscle tension were alleviated, and among young people, it was found that they made healthier food choices.

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Expressing gratitude to others

Gratitude can also strengthen relationships between people: the quality of friendships can improve, as well as workplace dynamics. Expressing gratitude to others can evoke feelings of appreciation and recognition in the other person.

A study on workplace gratitude showed a significant impact on staff turnover, stress, and mental health. Additionally, participants experienced 5-15% more optimism; the more we think about what we are grateful for, the more we can find to be grateful for!

Being grateful for what you have

Expressing gratitude can improve relationships, but positive effects can also be seen when someone regularly thinks of a few things they are grateful for, even if they don't necessarily express it aloud.

It doesn't always have to be spoken; the key is to take a moment to reflect on it. When you give your attention to something you are grateful for, you automatically focus on something beautiful and valuable to you. This contributes to a positive mindset, improves your mood, and provides insights into what is important to you and what you truly appreciate in life. It's a win-win for both yourself and the people around you!

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How to show gratitude?

So, how do you pay attention to gratitude? The best way for you is something you can experiment with. For many people, it works well to regularly write down 3-5 things they are grateful for. For the best results, you can do this before going to sleep or as you wake up to start the day on a positive note.

Try to focus mainly on things that have no material value – think of smaller things like the coffee you drink in the sun, the smile of a child, or of course, being grateful for an exciting opportunity that came your way or the time you spend with your loved ones.

Tip: Make it a habit to show gratitude

The best results were achieved through regular practice: this means it's good to make it a habit!

To ensure you follow through with your intentions, it may help to make an appointment with yourself. Choose a fixed moment each week or on a daily basis to reflect on what you are grateful for – it only takes a few minutes! Moreover, when you make a conscious effort to express gratitude more often to the people around you, you'll experience an even greater sense of well-being.

Whether you express gratitude to others, to yourself, or to the universe, for good health, it seems definitely worthwhile to pay attention to gratitude!