When you have a healthy eating pattern, you probably try to avoid junk food and cook most of your meals at home. That's why it's very easy to add these easily forgotten superfoods to your diet!
1. Leafy greens
Green vegetables are among the most nutritious foods in the world and contain unique compounds that boost the immune system and aid in detoxifying the body. The abundance of fiber and phytonutrients also enhances brain function and forms the basis for a healthy gut. While most people think of lettuce, spinach, or kale when they hear "leafy greens," don't forget that there are many other green options available! A few examples: Swiss chard, arugula, mizuna, endive, parsley, basil, and cilantro. Although the latter may not appeal to everyone's taste, these green flavors are fantastic additions to your recipes.
We challenge you to add a serving of leafy greens to every meal. For example, try adding raw basil or cilantro to a salad, use spinach or arugula on or instead of bread, or incorporate a portion of endive to your protein meal and enrich your chicken or salmon dish.

2. Nuts & Seeds
There are many types of nuts and seeds, each containing different nutrients and health benefits. They are all packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, they provide essential fatty acids that help balance hormone levels and reduce inflammation. Some options we highly recommend: almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, macadamias, hazelnuts, cashews, flaxseed, peanuts, sesame, and poppy seeds.
For example, consuming walnuts can reduce the risk of heart disease and support brain health and cognitive functions. Sesame and flaxseeds contain a type of fiber that helps balance hormone levels. Although the nutrient content varies per type, in general, many nuts and seeds contain Vitamins E, B3, B6, Folate, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and selenium. They are often rich in dietary fiber and have low levels of saturated fats, making them perfect additions to a healthy diet.
Include nuts and seeds in salads, cooked vegetable dishes, or pair them with lean proteins for optimal results. They not only add great flavor to your dish but also aid in better digestion and amino acid absorption. Get creative by incorporating nuts and seeds into dressings or marinades or roasting them for extra taste!
3. Root Vegetables
Root vegetables may contain more calories than leafy greens, but they are incredibly nutritious and add delightful flavors to meals. They provide both soluble and insoluble fibers, nourishing healthy gut bacteria and improving the passage of waste products through the digestive tract. Root vegetables like sweet potatoes, for instance, provide a sense of fullness and are rich in iron, B-vitamins, vitamin C, and fiber.
Other root vegetables include all colored carrots, radishes, ginger, Jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, and celeriac. These vegetables blend well in warm dishes, salads, and soups.

4. Berries
Blueberries are well-known for their health benefits, but there are many other dark-colored berries that are rich in antioxidants.
Both blueberries and sour cherries are known to reduce inflammation and alleviate muscle pain after exercise. Strawberries and blueberries improve blood sugar levels in carbohydrate-rich meals. Blackberries and raspberries contain unique compounds that enhance wound healing and increase brain sensitivity to the hormone leptin, making you feel fuller faster.
You can find similar benefits in all dark-colored vegetables and fruit types: watermelon and beets increase blood flow to muscles, making heavy workouts feel easier. Plums contain nutrients that help eliminate inflammation and support bone health. Red peppers are packed with vitamin C, which supports the adrenal glands and helps manage stress.
With so many benefits, there are plenty of reasons to add these foods to your meals or enjoy them as snacks!
5. Eggs
Eggs are an excellent protein source for any healthy diet and are packed with antioxidants. They are incredibly filling, and research has shown that they can improve cholesterol levels in people with or at risk of overweight. Other benefits include the metabolic boost from their high protein content and amino acids. Additionally, the cholesterol in eggs is used by the body to produce other hormones like testosterone and DHEA, which have anti-aging effects as you age.
The beauty of eggs is that there are countless ways to prepare them! Besides boiled, scrambled, or fried, you can also poach them or incorporate them into vegetable dishes.
6. Fermented products
Fermented foods have become popular due to their positive effects on gut flora. The beneficial bacteria not only support healthy digestion and nutrient absorption but probiotics, as they are also called, can reduce inflammation and strengthen immunity. Moreover, they can speed up recovery from intense physical exertion. Research also indicates that they can influence the brain, leading to improved serotonin levels, resulting in reduced stress and a more positive mental outlook.
You can easily achieve these benefits by consuming pickled vegetables or fermented dairy products. Examples include sauerkraut, kimchi, or pickled ginger that can be added to a dish for extra flavor. Miso, tamari (soy sauce), natto, and kombucha, kefir, or high-quality yogurt are also great options to include in your meals.
7. Seaweed
Seaweed is often associated with sushi dishes, but various types of seaweed are incredible sources of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Seaweeds such as nori, wakame, kelp, and kombu are rich in iodine, which is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. Research shows that people living far from the sea or consuming processed foods are more likely to be deficient in this nutrient. Seaweed also contains fiber, beneficial for gut health, and antioxidants that combat inflammation throughout the body.
In addition to sushi, where nori is often used, there are other ways to incorporate seaweed into your meals. You can enjoy fermented seaweed salads or use dried versions as crumbs sprinkled on salads, fish, or meat. Nowadays, there are also pasta variants made from kelp.
8. Vinegar
To avoid pre-made dressings or marinades with high sugar content, consider exploring the different types of vinegar available: balsamic, red or white wine vinegar, rice wine, apple cider, or tarragon vinegar. By replacing pre-made dressings from the supermarket with a form of vinegar, you can save up to 100 calories. Besides its excellent taste, vinegar also moderates the release of insulin when consuming carbohydrate-rich food. Additionally, it helps the body store carbohydrates as muscle glycogen rather than fat. This everyday ingredient is often forgotten but can be very effective in losing weight within a well-balanced diet plan. You can use vinegar with vegetables, fruits, and legumes, or mix it with herbs and spices (basil, rosemary, cumin, tarragon, etc.) to create a dressing.

In conclusion
With this blog, we wish to show that a healthy eating pattern can mean more than just avoiding added sugars and processed fats. It is also essential to optimize the nutritional value of your meals and ensure sufficient micronutrients, essential fatty acids, amino acids, as well as components such as fiber and probiotics. The best part is that it does not have to be complicated at all! Hopefully this list helps you to start adding more everyday superfoods to your meals. Enjoy!