We know, of course, that exercise is of great importance for health. We try to highlight as many aspects of physical activity as possible, and this week we'd like to share a bit more about the pros and cons of running!

Health benefits of running

You may be a keen runner yourself, have been considering starting for a while, or think it's not meant for you. Many people have a love-hate relationship with running. It can be mentally challenging to stick to your goals, but it also comes with certain physical risks.

Running can be taxing on the body and lead to injuries. However, running can bring about significant physical and mental health benefits, which we'd like to shed some light on. When you train (gradually) in the right way and seek help when needed, anyone can benefit from it!

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Physical benefits of running

Physical Benefits of Running

Studies show that running can lower resting blood pressure and heart rate, improve blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and help maintain a healthy weight (or aid in weight loss). Running also strengthens your bones and muscles, contributing to an overall sense of fitness and health.

Building endurance with running

Additionally, research indicates that running improves cardiovascular health. As you run more, your heart rate increases to pump more blood (along with oxygen and nutrients) to your working muscles.

Over time, as you run regularly, your heart and lungs adapt. Your heart becomes stronger, pumping a greater volume of blood per beat, and your lungs become more efficient, taking in more air with each breath. As your cardiovascular efficiency improves, you can run faster with less effort – in other words, you notice an improvement in your endurance.

Running and your mental health

Running also has positive effects on mental health. During running, your body releases hormones called endorphins, which can induce a state of euphoria, commonly known as the "runner's high."

Moreover, the amount of endocannabinoids in the blood increases. These natural substances are similar to cannabis and have a calming effect on the body. Both substances generally contribute to a sense of well-being and can even help ward off anxiety and depression.

Running outdoors or on a treadmill?

Choosing to run outdoors can be a great way to reduce stress and tension. While running can lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in your body, being in nature also gives you a chance to disconnect from screens and technology.

A significant part of our lives takes place indoors these days, but research shows that outdoor exercise brings considerable benefits to mental health. Whether you opt for a peaceful forest trail or a lovely park in Amsterdam, running outdoors provides the much-needed fresh air and vitamin D.

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Running for beginners: our tips

Running is much about setting goals and achieving feats you once thought were impossible. For this reason, running can bring about a sense of satisfaction and boost your self-confidence.

A common pitfall for runners is trying to do too much too quickly. The repetitive movements, with your own body weight to bear, can lead to injuries if not built up properly.

It is also wise to wear appropriate running shoes to help absorb the impact of each stride.

Running injuries

The most common injuries occur around the knees, shins, and feet. Examples include inflammation of the plantar fascia, overuse of the Achilles tendon, pain and overuse of the knee (runner's knee), hip pain, or inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bones around your shins (shin splints).

Running schedule (for beginners)

To prevent injuries, it's essential to start slowly with short distances and a moderate pace, taking sufficient rest in between. Subsequently, speed, duration, and distance can be gradually increased without overtraining.

It is advisable to have a fixed training plan (for beginners) in place to ensure safe and effective progress. Not only are the training sessions important, but taking enough rest days in between is also crucial to reduce impact and stress on your body while building strength.

Running training at Physicum

If you are unsure about how to start or would like assistance with a training plan, you can also get help at Physicum! Feel free to ask our trainers for assistance.
