To achieve a sixpack and reduce body fat as a woman, more than endless crunches are required. Strength training, combined with a balanced diet and adequate rest, form the essential pillars for achieving these goals in a sustainable and healthy manner.

Why strength training?

Strength training is crucial as it helps not only in building muscle mass but also in increasing the resting metabolism. Unlike cardio exercises, which primarily burn calories during the workout, the body continues to burn calories after a strength training session during the muscle recovery and building process. This is crucial for reducing body fat percentage and making muscles, including the abdominal muscles, visible.

Focus on compound exercises

It's important to understand that it's not possible to train specific muscles locally. While abdominal exercises are useful for strengthening the abdominal muscles, they alone are not sufficient for obtaining a sixpack. The focus should be on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and pull-ups for women aiming for a sixpack. These exercises activate multiple muscle groups simultaneously, resulting in higher calorie burning and an increased metabolism.

Diet: "Abs are made in the kitchen"

A crucial aspect of achieving a sixpack is nutrition. The saying "Abs are made in the kitchen" is popular for a reason. Even with regular training, the abdominal muscles remain covered under a layer of fat if the diet is not in order. Focus on consuming whole foods such as (lean) proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods, added sugars, and excess calories.

Rest and recovery

In addition to training and nutrition, rest and recovery are essential. Microtears occur in the muscles during strength training, which heal and become stronger during rest periods. Adequate sleep is essential to give the body the chance to recover and grow. So if you really want to get fit and train for a sixpack, also review your sleep pattern: make sure to go to bed on time and get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Overtraining can also lead to injuries and reduced progress, so always listen to your body and take rest days when needed.

Hormonal balance for women and a sixpack

In addition to strength training, nutrition, and rest, hormonal balance plays a crucial role in achieving a sixpack in women and reducing body fat percentage. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and insulin influence metabolism, fat storage, and muscle building in women.

One of the key aspects of hormonal balance is avoiding excess estrogen. An excess of this hormone can lead to increased fat storage, especially around the abdominal area. A supplement like DIM (Diindolylmethane) can help balance excess estrogen and support metabolism.

In addition to supplements, there are also diet and lifestyle adjustments that can contribute to healthy hormonal balance. Avoiding processed foods, added sugars, and trans fats can help maintain stable insulin levels and reduce inflammation, which is beneficial for healthy hormonal balance.

Furthermore, foods such as fiber-rich vegetables, healthy fats (such as avocados, coconut oil, nuts and seeds), and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fatty fish) can contribute to healthy hormonal balance and reduce inflammation in the body.

It's important to remember that hormonal balance is a complex issue and individual needs may vary. Therefore, always consult a healthcare professional or nutritionist for personalized advice and guidance on achieving and maintaining a healthy hormonal balance.


To achieve a sixpack and reduce body fat percentage as a woman, a comprehensive approach is necessary. Strength training forms the core of the training regimen, while a balanced diet and adequate rest and recovery are essential for success. If you also pay attention to healthy hormonal balance, you can increase your chances of achieving a sixpack and lower body fat percentage in a sustainable and healthy way.

Remember that this process requires time and consistency, but with the right approach, you can achieve your goals and work towards a strong, healthy, and muscular body.

By following these strategies, you can effectively work towards achieving a sixpack and reducing your body fat percentage.

Need help?

Do you want to get a sixpack but need motivation and help to start? A personal trainer can be of great value to your success. Someone who ensures that you show up time and time again, motivates you during workouts, helps with the right technique and exercises, and also provides advice for your dietary patterns. Curious? Fill out our matching test and discover what we at Physicum can do for you.