Ginger, a root originally from Southeast Asia, is renowned for its impressive health benefits. In this article, you will explore why ginger is so healthy and what it can do for you. Perhaps this will motivate you to enjoy this natural powerhouse more often!
Ginger: a powerful spice
Ginger is not only a flavorful spice but also one of the healthiest in the world. It contains a significant compound called gingerol, a natural oil that not only provides that sharp flavor but also possesses medicinal properties.
Anti-inflammatory and infection-fighting
Research has shown that gingerol has anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce the risk of infections. Ginger extract can even inhibit the growth of various bacteria, making it a potent tool for your immune system.

Pain relief and oxidative stress reduction
Ginger can also act as a pain reliever and assist in reducing oxidative stress in your body. Oxidative stress is caused by free radicals and can lead to health issues and premature aging.
Stimulates digestion
The active compounds in ginger promote digestion. It stimulates your appetite and helps your digestive system function more efficiently, enabling your body to process food better and faster. Furthermore, research has demonstrated that ginger can alleviate (morning) nausea, especially in pregnant women.
Beneficial for cholesterol and weight loss
Ginger extract can help lower insulin levels in the blood, which can contribute to weight loss. Additionally, research indicates that it can assist in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, which are associated with an increased risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Dosage and form
It is important to note that dried ginger powder is more potent than fresh ginger (up to 10 times stronger), while ginger extract is the most potent form (up to 30 times stronger). For medicinal purposes, capsules containing ginger powder or extract are often used. However, like many medications, ginger can have contraindications. For instance, the use of ginger extract is discouraged during pregnancy/breastfeeding, is not suitable for children, and can interfere with certain medications (including medications for heart, insulin, or blood thinners).
Our advice: add ginger to your daily meals
What we do recommend is incorporating fresh ginger into your meals more often! You can, for example, create a tasty vegetable smoothie with a piece of ginger in the blender, use ginger as a spice to flavor your meals, or, of course, savor a delightful cup of ginger tea. In tea, it pairs perfectly with a piece of turmeric and cinnamon. This way, you can benefit from the countless advantages of this fantastic spice for your health.